e-mail : info@merapaga.org


Pending 501(c)(3) Status.

Help Us With Our Mission To Make A Global Impact.

It is not the role that the history assigns to a person, but the role that one takes upon self, and is able to defend its righteousness.


We Are The Change We Wish To See In The World

Because Our Future Is Worth Protecting

Join Us On Our Mission To Strengthen Philanthropic Engagement.

About Us

Meridians Allied for Philanthropic Advancement and Growth Acceleration (MerAPAGA) is an incorporated nonprofit based out of Boston, MA. USA. In September of 2022 we began the process of obtaining 501(c)(3) federal tax exempt status.

Our Mission:

MerAPAGA strengthens philanthropic engagement with the United States and it’s allies to solve global challenges.

Our Vision:

MerAPAGA believes that by serving as a trusted partner for philanthropic projects and initiatives, it can strengthen the United States and its allies making the world safer.

Email Us : info@merapaga.org

Our Work

Humanitarian Aid

Giving humanitarian aid to those in need around the globe so that our children can live peacefully and in good health.

Economic Aid

Introducing, starting, or helping growing businesses in key global industries to mend the underlying causes of instability.

Education Aid

Providing educational reasorces, community centers and educational facilities so that future generations can flourish and reach new heights.

The Might of Many Minds

Together we work to close the gap between effective fundraising, proper fund allocation, successful project management and ultimately project completion.


How To Engage With MerAPAGA

Its as easy as A,B,C,D!


Apply For Volunteer And Internship Opportunities

Volunteers come together from all corners of the globe with a common goal and the unique skills and abilities that make it possible for us to effectively operate.


Business From A Humanitarian Angle

MerAPAGA utilizes an ever-growing network of business relationships. Increase the humanitarian footprint of your company or organization by partnering with us to improve the lives of others.


Communities Coming Together To Do Good

Fundraising is an essential part of our operations and you can be a part of it too! Whether its a one time event or a ongoing effort, MerAPAGA thanks your community for its engagement.


Donate For A Cause You Believe In

Your donations are valued and appreciated so our organization makes a commitment to apply 90 cents of every dollar raised towards operational improvement, and self-sufficiency projects.

Our Financials

You may inspect our financial filings and standings with the following federal and state agencies, by clicking on the highlighted links (IRS) &(Office of the Massachusetts Attorney General).

Your Financial Support And Our Expenses

Your donations are valued and appreciated so our organization makes a commitment to apply 90 cents of every dollar raised towards operational improvement, and self-sufficiency projects. The other 10 cents is spent on (SGA) or Selling, General, and Administrative costs. 

Donation Allocation

Donors can specify which initiative or project they’d like to fund.

Funds received without a designation will be assigned to the most time sensitive projects.